Monday, March 16, 2015

Where Do I Start?

Location- Euthien, Hydra quadrant

My name is Cyrus Rian, what follows maybe seen to some as an admission of guilt. Others I'm sure will call me a hypocrite, or a liar. I still believe in the principles of the Independents, what they stood for, what we all fought for. But the wars are over and the mega corporations and conglomerates won. They always win. Despite what they tell you wars are not good for an economy, jobs were hard to come by. I have always supported the remaining Independents working for them and along side them. But I have a family now and keeping the necessities around us has become increasingly difficult. I had been looking for a job but I was surprised when I received a transmission from the giant ansible tech company TABVEC. If you don't know, TABVEC controls ALL interplanetary transmissions, most of terrestrial transmissions as well as most media broadcast, both news and entertainment. They also have credits invested in thousands of other companies giving them a say in how those business are run. The pitch was simple- we know the type of work you do and we think you should be working for us. We don't care about your past associations with Independents although you will have to meet some requirements. You'll earn more credits that your currently earning plus we have a range of corporate welfare assistance for your family. And there it is, they've been monitoring my transmissions, they know I'm desperate for work. They know we are fixing to lose everything. Ten years ago I wouldn't have even considered this type of work, or this type of company. But right now I have mouths to feed. This wont be easy. But the question is can I stay true to myself and my beliefs and work for this company which for so many people is controlling their lives. They are the enemy, this is not what I wanted, but right now I don't feel I have a choice.